Catford & Cyphers CC

Catford & Cyphers Cricket Club

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Live Streaming Policy

Live Streaming Policy

 All of our fixtures on Rubens street will be live-streamed via YouTube, our channel will

also host full match replays, highlights, shortened highlights and other CCCC-related videos. The club will be adopting the Kent cricket leagues directives for all filmed/live-streamed matches, these directives are as follows:

Before any live-streaming or publishing of video or photography from any KCL league or Twenty 20 Cup match on any social media platform, the     individual and/or club MUST notify the KCL of their intention to live-stream, video or take photographs and must have received permission in writing from the League before doing so – where granted the permission will be in place for the season unless subsequently rescinded

Once written permission from the KCL League Administrator has been secured, details of clubs with approval will be posted to the KCL play-cricket website. At all matches where live-streaming, videoing or photography is to take place the following steps MUST be taken by both the host and the visiting club as appropriate:

·      In the event that there are players/club umpires who do not consent to filming (including, but not limited to, age group players/parents) their club must notify their opponents by email at the earliest opportunity, but no later than 48 hours before the match, that filming shall NOT take place for the match in question.

·      Child Protection and Safeguarding protocols MUST be followed if junior players or adults at risk in cricket are on the field when filming takes place.

·      If any age group players’ parent/guardian has previously indicated that they are not to be photographed or recorded, then filming shall NOT take place at matches in which they are involved.

·      Every effort is to be made to ensure spectators are aware when filming is/or will be taking place. Appropriate signage should be in place when these activities are underway.


To ensure permissions are in place in time for the start of every match at which streaming, videoing or photography is to take place it is imperative that, in normal circumstances, email contact is made between both clubs at least 48 hours beforehand, confirming agreement to stream, video or photograph the match. A record of ALL correspondence must be available for inspection by KCL officials at any time.

The KCL Social Media Policy must be fully observed. Any clips that players or members of a club may take from the streaming (or video) and photographs mustn't be used to criticize or vilify any player, umpire, spectator or official. In the event of a breach, disciplinary action will be considered as detailed below.

The KCL acknowledge that live-streaming can be an extremely effective coaching and marketing tool, but it is NOT a Decision Review System and must not be used to review, comment on, or question the umpire’s decisions at any point.

Fixed and/or personal cameras/recording equipment CAN NOT be located on the field of play, such equipment must be sufficiently outside the boundary so as not to present a safety risk to fielders and/or impede the movement of sightscreens.

Players or club officials specifically videoing umpires or players on mobile phones, cameras or video equipment is not permitted at any time.

Clubs are responsible for the actions of their players, officials, members, and spectators. Where instances of streaming, videoing or photography are used to criticize umpire’s decisions and where League regulations are breached, individual players will be punished in line with both their club and the League’s Code of Conduct. A Club failing to take effective measures to prevent players, members, or spectators from observing these regulations could also be subject to League disciplinary measures, including revoking permission to undertake streaming, videoing, and photography.

Sanctions for breaches of the KCL Directive may include:

For a first offence:

· Sanctions against the individual(s) to be in line with Disciplinary Level offences 1/2/3/4 and associated KCL Voluntary Code of Conduct penalties

· Sanction against the club to be a 5-league points deduction for the team in question.

· Require the club to submit an appropriate letter(s) of apology within a  specified time


For a second offence:

By an individual

· this would follow the process for a repeat breach of the Voluntary Code of Conduct


By the club

· Record a reprimand and give a warning as to future conduct

· The team in question deducted 10 - league points

· Impose a fine

· A ban on being allowed to stream, video or photograph matches for the remainder of the season

· Require the club to submit an appropriate letter(s) of apology within a specified time


The preceding sanctions are not an exhaustive list and may be varied by the KCL Management Committee and Catford & Cyphers Cricket Club. Any breach of these directives will result in action taken against the member(s) involved in the breaches.


Where any player or club is involved in more than two offences the KCL  Management Committee has the power to impose penalties and fines, as specified in the League Constitution. These may be monetary or through the deduction of points. In addition to these, the KCL Management Committee shall have the power to take whatever other action and impose whatever other penalties it deems appropriate against a member club, or any individual member(s) of a member club found to be in breach of this Directive.





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